Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Leakproofing for liquids

Seals in the floor are tested during the production process with a vacuum tester. Based on this tests we can guarantee that the quality of the floors correspond to dutch norms "AS 6700" of "SIKB versie 2.0".

KIWA certificate

Buitink Technology acquired a so called KIWA-certificate for produced and delivered mobile liquid tight floors. Download our KIWA covenant K97237-01 as PDF

COVENANT K97237-01

Resistance to cleaning agents

We have carried out testing the resistance to cleaning agents m.b.t. of the materials we use for our liquid tight floors. View the results of the independent test against the most common cleaning agents.


Production Certificate

Customers recieve a so called "Production centificate" that contains the test procedure and results corresponding to dutch norms "AS 6700" of "SIKB versie 2.0". This document is called "Productie Attest".

Tracing raw materials

Applied raw materials in production are carefully registered. Raw materials applied in each product are documented on batch level. On request this information can be traced back at supplier level.

Technical drawings

Buitink makes client specific drawings for each mobile liquid tight floor project. Size, anchoring and connections are drawn in detail. The client approves the drawings before the production process. Drawings and specifications are saved in Buitink's database.

PDF Brochure

Download our PDF brochure for all information en specs regarding our mobile floors.



Do you have questions or want more information? Please feel free to contact us. Call us at +31 (0)316-250830. But even easier: fill out the contact form below directly. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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