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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Fabric roof and facade church Maassluis

In response to an order from the Andreas, Petrus and Paulus parish Buitink Technology realized the roof and facade construction for the new building of the Maassluis church. The whole roof and facade construction is built from a tensed membrane, which covers totally about 1400 sqm.  It is composed of an inner and an outer PVC membrane from polyester fabric.

The outside membrane is provided with a PVDF top layer as extra protection against pollution and UV radiation. The space between the outside membrane (the outside skin) and the inside membrane (the suspended ceiling) is filled with 10 cm rockwool. This provides sufficient thermal and acoustic insulation.

Project data:

Client: APP Parochie, Maassluis
Architect: Royal Haskoning, Rotterdam
Constructor: Royal Haskoning, Rotterdam
Membrane constructor: Tentech BV, Utrecht
Steel construction: De Klerk BV, Werkendam
Year of implementation: 2006


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