We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Laser cutter

Buitink Technology owns a Blackman&White Mastercut Lasercutter. This CNC machine is able to mark, cut with a knife and cut with laser.

Flatbed table of the laser cutter

The flatbed table has a cutting range and operating size of 3.1 x 12.7 meter.

Advantage of laser cutting

The big advantage of laser cutting cloth and fabric is the fact that the borders are nicely sealed due to the local high temperature. As a result there is no risk of cutted material starts fraying. Laser cutting also prevents moisture to penetrate in certain materials through the cutted borders that are prone to wetting (it prevents capilairy action)

By far laser cutting is most suitable for cutting polyurethane coated stretch fabric, lycra and e.g. polyester cotton fabric.

More information

Buitink Technology is a resourceful company with original ideas and ingenious products. Call Buitink Technology: +31 316 25 08 30, email: [email protected] or leave your contact information:


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