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We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Roof bus station Zwolle

Buitink Technology delivered and installed tensed membranes with prints for the roof of a bus station located Hanzelaan Zwolle.

The size of the covered area is about 13 times 70 meters. On the inside the roof is printed with an artwork, painted by Melle Mijnhardt, Tamme de Boer and Stefan Alberts.

"For visitors of Zwolle the new bus station is the main entrance to the city. Looking up in the travelers tunnel literally an impressive view of our beautiful city is obtained" according to city counsellor Ed Anker.

Job preparation / execution

Paintings of the artists were digitized, digitally 3 D projected on the membrane and then printed by Buitink Technology.

Afterwards the various patterns with pictures were sealed to obtain one large membrane. The pictures are an composition of many typical elements of the city of Zwolle; well known by the citizens of Zwolle.

bus canopy engineering

Project data covering in Zwolle

Surface area: About 950 m²
Material: Serge Ferrari 902S      
Design of prints: Melle Mijnhardt
Tamme de Boer
Stefan Alberts
Print technique: Archiink
Location: Hanzelaan, Zwolle
Client: City of Zwolle
Client Buitink Buiting staalbouw
Tensed membrane printing:       
Buitink Technology
Year of implementation:       

Pictures of assemblage

Bags made of waste material

Bags are made of waste material, collected during the production. These bags were handed over during the opening of the new bus station.

Location bus station Zwolle


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