Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Soundproofing objects

Besides a range of more or less standard products, we also supply special products ('specials') according to customer specifications. The starting point is often a customer's wish or a problem for which we then work closely together to find a solution. Technical textiles offer countless possibilities in this respect.

Soundproof cigars

For instance, on request we made Sound-Damping 'cigars' covered with special translucent sailcloth. On the inside, the cigars are fitted with sound-absorbing material. In this way, a noise problem was solved in an attractive way. Location: City Hall of The Hague.

More information

Buitink Technology is a resourceful company with original ideas and ingenious products. Call Buitink Technology: +31 316 25 08 30, email: [email protected] or leave your contact information:

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