Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Water management

Our range of products are designed and manufactured to meet specific needs of our customers - from flood protection to irrigation support and everything in between. Discover how our innovative systems and applications can help you efficiently manage water resources, minimize environmental impacts and/or increase productivity in industrial and commercial fields.

Our custom industrial solutions for water management and water or debris control are developed and engineered in collaboration with clients. 



Practical solutions for water management

With the above examples, we mainly want to inspire you. We are happy to work with you to develop practical solutions to specific industrial issues. So if you are looking for a sustainable innovative solution to a specific industrial issue in relation to water, please let us know! We are ready to get to work for you.

More information

Buitink Technology is a resourceful company with original ideas and ingenious products. Call Buitink Technology: +31 316 25 08 30, email: [email protected] or leave your contact information:

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